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What We Do

Emergency Services

Rent & Utilities

Utility meters.

Energy Share

Funded by utility companies and private donations, this program provides emergency funds to help pay a PORTION of up to three months of electric bills.  The client is responsible for making a payment arrangement with the utility company for any remaining balance. To qualify, you must be on LIHEAP (fuel assistance) and have more than one fuel source (it cannot be all electric).  Please note that if approved, payment can take up to 6 weeks to post to your account.

Energy Share Application

Energy Share Program Contact

April Aker, Emergency Services Case Manager

Eviction Prevention

As of July 31, 2024, Red River Valley Community Action no longer assists with this program.  You may apply on your own at the following link:

ND Rent Help Housing Stabilization Program

As of July 31, 2024, Red River Valley Community Action no longer assists with this program.  You may apply on your own at the following link:


 NDHG (North Dakota Homeless Grant)

It is this agency's policy not to utilize NDHG funding for clients that receive any other subsidy from any other entity or program.

Homeless Prevention
Populations Served:  NDHG Homeless Prevention aims to serve individuals/families below 30% AMI who are at imminent risk of homelessness and who lack sufficient resources to prevent homelessness.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1.  Proof of "at-risk" of homelessness;
  2.  Proof of income for all adults in the household (must be below 30% AMI).

Rapid Rehousing
Populations Served:  NDHG Rapid Rehousing aims to serve individuals/families who are homeless, by any HUD category or definition.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1.  Proof of homelessness;
  2.  Proof of income for all adults in the household (must be below 30% AMI).

NDHG Program Contact

Ava Kettle. Emergency Services Case Manager



Man starring off in to the distance.

This program can provide work boots and clothing, replacement ID cards and birth certificates.  NOTE:  This program is currently out of funding.

Self-Reliance Application

Self-Reliance Program Contact

April Aker, Emergency Services Case Manager


Ernie's Place

Homeless man waiting outside of a shelter.

Transitional housing for homeless youth ages 18-24 from North Dakota and Minnesota.

Programs and services will be adaptable to each youth's needs and may include transitional housing, budgeting, employment skills, basic life skills, education assistance and housing stability training.

Ernie's Place Referral Form (return to

Youth Homeless Experience Survey

Ernie's Place Contact

Christy Berry, Lead Case Manager

Charles Vondal, Case Manager