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Weatherization Works!

Almost one-third of U.S. households have reported difficulty in paying #energy bills or adequately heating and cooling their homes. #Weatherization helps by lowering utility bills and making homes more energy efficient. Just one more reason why Weatherization Works!

Over 20 percent of households have reported reducing or forgoing necessities such as food and medicine to pay an energy bill. WAP agencies can help! #Weatherization saves families $283 per year on average in energy costs! 

Weatherization Assistance Program providers like Red River Valley Community Action help reduce energy burdens for families by making home more energy efficient.

Weatherized homes are healthier homes! Weatherization lowers energy bills and helps families afford necessities like healthy food, medicine, and safe, reliable housing. 

Weatherization improves indoor ventilation and air quality and has shown to have negating effects on many asthma triggers. In fact, people with asthma have reported fewer hospitalizations and ER visits after weatherization. 

For more information about weatherization, visit our housing programs page or call 701-746-5431.